Matters needing attention

Installing charging piles

1. The applied new electricity meter is used to measure the electricity used by charging facilities, and the electricity used is measured separately from the electricity used by households. The two are independent. Residential electricity is charged for ladder electricity price, while charging facilities are charged for fixed electricity price.

2. In the process of applying for household charging pile installation, communication with the property management is crucial, because the installation of charging pile involves line erection, circuit direction, electricity meter installation, cost measurement and so on.

3. The most worrying thing about the installation and erection of household charging piles is fire safety, so it is necessary to have good communication with the property management side.

4, in addition to the State grid power supply office survey is also very important, unreasonable line erection, not only affects the individual, but the whole community.

Use of charging piles

1 please hold the plug when charging and unplugging the charger, do not pull the wire.

2. Do not press the power cord with heavy objects or step on the power cord artificially. Do not charge the power cord under the condition that the charging wire is defective, cracked, worn, cracked or exposed.

3. When charging, ensure that the plug is fully connected with the jack, otherwise it may lead to abnormalities.

4. Charging piles must be installed and maintained by professionals. If you have any questions, please consult the dealer's professional staff, do not handle without authorization. Do not try to remove the charging pile. Improper operation may cause damage and leakage. Non-maintenance personnel are not allowed to open the charging pile.

5. Do not clean your car in the process of charging or near the charging post.

6. Please keep the key of electric vehicle closed when charging.

7. Do not place inflammable, explosive or combustible materials, chemicals, combustible steam and other dangerous materials near the charging pile.

8. If it shows that the machine is faulty, please do not charge it. Please contact the maintenance staff of the charging pile.

9. Children should not approach or use the charging pile during the charging process, so as not to cause injury. 

10. Please take waterproof and moisture-proof measures before charging in rainy days.